The Economist: Comparing the brain activity of jazz and classical pianists. link
Nature Italy: “Monkeys can swing to rhythm, but not to the tune” link
Quanta Magazine: “The Social Benefits of Getting Our Brains in Synch”. link
The Times: Revealed: the lusty lungs of the (not so) innocent choirboys. link
The Guardian (2023): “Singing by boys’ choir ‘sounds more brilliant’ when girls in audience”. link
The Guardian (2017): Choirboys sing to impress girls? Music to my ears. link
Corriere della Sera: Il cervello è in grado di capire se una musica è davvero improvvisata“. link
La Repubblica: Fotografo le note nel cervello del pianista“. link
The Telegraph: The secret life of a choir – fear, friendship and, of course, desire“. link
  CBS New York: Brains Work Differently to play Classical, Jazz Music“. link
The Conversation: When girls are in the audience, choir boys sing for attention“. link
  ScienceDaily:Miles Davis is not Mozart: The brains of jazz and classical pianists work differently“. link
  Gigazine: 同じ「ピアニスト」でもジャズとクラシックでは脳の使い方が違うことが判明“. link
Scientific American: Cérebros dos pianistas de jazz e de música clássica funcionam de forma diferente“. link El cerebro de los pianistas de música clásica y de jazz funciona de forma distinta“. link
  Correio Braziliense: Cérebros de músicos reagem de forma distinta ao tocar a mesma canção“. link
 Die Welt:So stark unterscheiden sich die Gehirne von Jazz- und Klassik-Pianisten. link  
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Wechselspannung der Hirnströme“. link “Musikerhirne arbeiten je nach Stilrichtung verschieden“. link
India Today: “Brains of jazz and classical pianists work differently“. link
Il Messaggero: “La musica ci svela i segreti del cervello“. pdf
Il Sole 24 Ore (2020): “Istituto italiano di tecnologia: 5 giovani scienziati e scienziate premiati dall’European research council“. link
Il Sole 24 Ore (2024): “IIT: 5 nuovi progetti finanziati dall’Erc per portare i risultati della ricerca di base ad applicazioni reali”. link
Startup Italia: “La musica per curare il Parkinson. Il progetto di Giacomo Novembre“. link
PsyPost: “Neuroscientists shed new light on the roots of interpersonal neural synchrony during social interactions”. link
Classic FM: “Older bass singers in boys choir sound more ‘brilliant’ when girls are listening” link
Dailymail: Talk about singing your heart out! Male singers boost their vocals when they spot women in the audience, study finds link